Shaun Stenning Budget Friendly Health Tips
Shaun Stenning said, “There’s a common misconception that in order to make healthy choices in your life, you need to have money. After all, buying organic food, gym memberships, vitamins, and other health and fitness items will cost you more than you think.”
I wanted to explore different ways to still be healthy on a tight budget. First, I’d like to offer budget-friendly health tips for your diet.
Budget Friendly Health Tips
Drink more water.
It’s natural, it’s free, and best of all, it’s healthy. Water is beneficial for everything from your digestive tract to your skin. For a healthy twist, add lemon, lime, or cucumber slices for a hint of natural flavoring. Shaun Stenning said.
Eat breakfast.
When you’re rushing around in the morning, breakfast can easily get overlooked. But eating breakfast is beneficial for both your health and your wallet. Studies show that if you eat breakfast, you’re starting your metabolism which is improving your digestive system and can help you maintain a healthy weight.
Buy in season.
Certain fresh fruits and vegetables can be a little pricey, but you will find that those that are in season are much cheaper than things that aren’t.
Skip the junk food.
This sounds like a no-brainer, but yet, the chip and snack isle is still the most popular aisle every time I’m in the grocery store. Everyone likes an occasional guilty pleasure, but keep it as a rare occurrence.
Stock up on healthy foods during sales.
When there is a healthy food you enjoy, watch for it to go on sale. Items like almonds, baked chips, frozen vegetables, and canned tomatoes are healthy and have a long shelf life, so you can buy a bunch without having to worry if it’s going bad.
Learn how to read labels.
Something at your grocery store may appear healthy, but you might be shocked to learn that’s just the way it’s marketed. For example, the term “Made with Whole Grains,” can literally be made with a tiny, minuscule amount.
Grow your own garden.
If you’re looking for a new hobby, try gardening. With your own garden, depending on your climate, you can grow a multitude of vegetables, herbs, and fruits for less than what it costs to buy them at the store. Having these fresh, healthy ingredients will make it much easier to cook and eat them.
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