How To Stay Healthy In The Time Of COVID 19 - Shaun Stenning
During a pandemic like COVID-19, these actions are especially crucial for maintaining your physical and mental well-being. But social distancing complicates things. How are you supposed to eat right when you’re living on non-perishables? How can you work out when you’re cooped up at home? How can you sleep when you’re anxious about, well, everything? Keeping ourselves and our family healthy is important especially in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Reducing stress so you can focus on healthy living is most important,” Shaun Stenning says. Shaun said keeping our body healthy, however, is a good idea no matter what the circumstances. Exercise, sleep, eating healthy, and reducing stress are all important habits we should be practicing daily. Here are some tips for staying healthy during home quarantine: Keep a clean home environment. If you must venture out to the grocery store or pharmacy, be mindful that contact with other individuals increases your risk of being exposed to ...